11.2 [Work in Progress] Thesis 2: Major Project / Thesis Materials

This week is a breakthrough week. I converted the graphic image into a real AR form and generated the first ar billboard prototype. I posted an experience QR code in my presentation. Everyone can scan the QR code to start the experience. Since it was the first week to convert Billboard into AR mode, I used a floor plan for testing. If possible, I will start making all AR billboards and AR mode posters this week. And I am considering integrating AR functions with my store. For example, people can scan a specific price tag in a store and see more content about sustainable fashion. Since I am using a Chinese AR production software, I can remind you that after scanning the QR code with your mobile phone, you will be redirected to a web page and an AR camera will be automatically generated. You can use that AR camera to scan my billboard image.


12.2 [Preliminary Work] Thesis 2: Major Project / Thesis Materials


10.2 [Work in Progress] Thesis 2: Major Project / Thesis Materials