8.2 [Work in Progress] Thesis 2: Major Project / Thesis Materials
This week I made some modifications based on the instructor's suggestions and started making the content of deliverable 2-Interactive Advertisement. I modified some visual elements in my videos such as my clothing icons and I added music to both videos. At present, not all the clothing icons have been replaced, but they will definitely be modified next week. In addition, I started to design the ar billborad in the deliverable 2 part, and currently made the first version. Because I explore what kind of AR interactions are more interesting and compelling. My current idea is to first let people see a black and white billboard and some text content about the negative impact of the clothing industry. Then people can scan the billboard through their mobile phone cameras and then a colorful billboard and some three-dimensional brandmarks and slogans will appear.
Deliverable 2 is still in the exploratory stage, so I really need your suggestions to inspire me with some better ideas.