9.2 [Work in Progress] Thesis 2: Major Project / Thesis Materials

This week I will first continue to talk about some details of my deliverable1 content that I have modified so that my overall visual elements can be more unified. In addition, I modified some typography layouts in the presentation to make my entire layout more fair and obvious. What is more important this week is the exploration and design of deliverable 2 content. I have now designed a flat visual for billboard, and the overall look is the same as my poster style. Also in terms of AR I wanted to make my content more three-dimensional so I processed some elements in the images to give them an Autostereoscopy feel. That’s what I’m working on this week.


10.2 [Work in Progress] Thesis 2: Major Project / Thesis Materials


8.2 [Work in Progress] Thesis 2: Major Project / Thesis Materials