3.1 [Work in Progress] Thesis 1: Major Project / Thesis Materials

This week I integrated and modified my sketches with the names I created based on the instructor's suggestions, and I ended up wavering a bit, so I ended up choosing not one name but two. Because I have some visual ideas for these two names. So I made a computer draft with both names. Of course, this week I will try my best to present some tags so that everyone can better understand my concept. In addition, regarding the modification of this week’s journey map, I made my content description more clear based on the instructor’s suggestions. I don’t want to focus on recycling between people in this app, but I want to provide a centralized purchasing platform for sustainable clothing. Another possibility I created in the journey map is negative experience. I think there will be more experiences in different situations.


4.1 [Preliminary Work] Thesis 1: Major Project / Thesis Materials


2.1 [Work in Progress] Thesis 1: Major Project / Thesis Materials